You can use the monthly prompt for inspiration, but you can also add any post (real life or fictional) or picture to the meme, as long as it has to do with oral sex. You can upload as many posts as you like.
You can post photos with your post, preferably photos of yourself or taken by yourself. If you use images that you have found on the internet, please add the source to your post.
If you don’t have your own blog but you still want to contribute, please feel free to get in contact with me and I can host your content for you.
The purpose of this project is to provide a platform for a frank, honest and positive discussion of this subject.
Don’t post any stories with subjects forbidden by law. No necrophilia, no bestiality, nothing underage, no incest and anything else I’ve forgotten to link here but is still prohibited.
Please add content warnings on top of your story if your fiction contains potential harmful content, like mentions of disease, suicide, self-harm or adultery.
All entries must be: Gender-inclusive. Body Positive. Kink/Fetish Positive. I strive for a harmonious environment and respect your individuality and personal expression. We want everyone to be made welcome and respected.
Cross post your story to memes like Wicked Wednesday, 4Thoughts, MMMmonday or any else you can find.
If you’re unsure about how to add your post to a meme, check out this tutorial by Blogable
How to participate Write your post. Add the badge for The Oral Sex Project to your post(s). You can download the code below.
Publish your post on your blog and come back here to link your post in the InLinkz tool below.
Promote your post on social media. I will do the same, promoting your post on Twitter.
Please comment on other linked posts too, as all bloggers love to receive comments. Spread the love!